Tag: thrift with me
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How to Create a Cozy Christmas Home (video)
Join us in this festive video as we prepare to transform our spaces into a cozy Christmas home! Learn how to create a stunning DIY advent “wreath” using natural elements, and get inspired in...

DIY Home First Aid Kit| Preparing for Sickness or Minor Emergency
Having a well-stocked DIY Home First Aid Kit is such an important part of a home. Keep in mind that if conventional medications are not your thing a home medical/first aid kit could be stocked with...

How to Manage Kid’s Clothes
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Modern Farmhouse Front Porch Makeover
Practical birthday gifts are just the best! This year my sister moved into a new home, had a new baby and still works FULL TIME. She would really like and certainly deserves a beautiful, welcoming...

How to Care for Wooden Kitchen Tools| Spoon Butter Recipe
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5 Steps & 10 Tips to a Clean & Organized Refrigerator
It's that time again . . . when we feel the urge to make the insides of our home as sparkling fresh, clean and beautiful as the spring weather outside. A clean and organized refrigerator is a great...