Come with me today as I share with you my Fall 2024 inspiration AND a recent thrift shop haul that gives me all the Fall vibes. Feel free to check out my Fall 2024 Milanote Mood Board below.
Cool, crisp mornings and light frosts at night bring all the Fall feels. I begin to spend more time indoors and a bit less time in the garden. Prepping ground and planting seeds turns to harvest, food preservation AND getting the inside of our home warm and welcoming for the cozy season.
My FAVORITE way to get Fall inspiration:
Surprise, surprise – I START with Pinterest in order to get a feel of what I like. First I type in my style or the vibe/feeling I want for whatever season I’m decorating for. For example, this year I typed in words like; “Moody Fall Decor” “Whimsical, woodsy fall decor” “Timeless Fall Decor” . . . Then I scroll through and save photos to my “Fall Decor 2024” Pinterest board. I pick photos that give me the overall vibe that I want. I then I look closer at each photo and try to really pin point what it is about each photo that I love. Is it a color, decor item, a pattern? All these photos, items etc get pulled into a Milanote Mood Board.
In Milanote, I make lots of what inspire me, lists of decor items or ideas and thrift shopping lists. It’s only after gathering inspiration and my lists, that I hit the thrift stores, estate sales, antique shops and even the occasional yard sale. I want purchases to be intentional and with a plan. I don’t want to “just” bring more stuff into my home. Each item must be reasonably priced and be something I truly love and that speaks to me. I don’t like spending a bunch of money on specific, cheesy, single use seasonal decor. Instead, I look for items that are multipurpose but give the vibe I’m looking for and can be “dressed” one way or another to fit my seasonal inspiration. BONUS if the price is right. Don’t you love the thrill of the hunt and shopping for a bargain. Let’s do this!
MILANOTE (Design & Mood Board App)
Use my Milanote link to get started and help me earn more Milanote Space! (Huge thank you!):
Please enjoy my Milanote 2024 Fall Mood Board

Thrift shop for Fall Decor with me! Watch here:
LINKS in this video:
- Blog Post: How to thrift Shop for Timeless Traditional Home Decor: https://homemakingwithoutfear.com/thrift-shop-timeless-traditional-decor/
- Blog Post: Timeless Traditional Design: Kitchen, dining and pantry. https://homemakingwithoutfear.com/timeless-traditional-style/
- YT Video: Thrift Shop for Home Decor| I’m No Minimalist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DA6FY7O01Zo
- YT Video: Fall Decor on a Budget| My front porch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3lWxWbyXIUE
- YT Video: Timeless Traditional Kitchen Reveal: https://youtu.be/H_5qIxq3c3Q?si=kBL_FTj1i1-r_AbK
Would you like help planning and starting your own garden? Join my online class – Let’s Start a Garden| Seed Starting 101
Are you interested in learning how to grow your microgreens?
Did you know you can literally grow greens year round in your home with very few materials. I grow 12+ trays of SUPERFOOD microgreens weekly – in less than 8 square foot of space. Join me in my online class called How to Grow Your Own! Microgreens Crash Course. This online course is pre-recorded with video and lecture-style sessions designed to get you growing your own microgreens at home SUPER FAST. Get 24/7 lifetime access to the online videos PLUS eBook.

Too busy? Not enough space? NO PROBLEM. These classes are designed to allow you to learn ALL THE BASICS in a very condensed time frame. Binge watch all videos or slow it down. . . Learn at your own pace.

Plan your own garden with our MT Wild Root’s Garden Journal:
Visit MT Wild Roots microgreen farm!
Tools & Supplies: My Amazon Garden Essentials
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Graphic Design: I use Canva.com to create all my home decor boards, Pinterest Pins, blog graphics and so much. Try the FREE version of Canva or upgrade. Use my link to earn Canva Credit and get a premium element for FREE.
⭐️ All Music Provided by Epidemic Sound (all rights reserved)
⭐️Videos, posts and social media likely contain affiliate links, which means I make a small commission at no extra cost to you. See my full disclosure at homemakingwithoutfear.com. Furthermore as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you for supporting the blog and our channels!